Line of Credit tutorial

How to create a Line of Credit

To create a TrueFi Line of Credit, follow the process below:

  1. Connect your wallet.

    • For demo vaults, make sure you are connected to Optimism Sepolia network.

    • If deploying on mainnet, make sure your connected address has been allowlisted by TrueFi governance. Only allowlisted addresses are able to deploy a Line of Credit. Deployment transaction by non-allowlisted addresses will fail.

  2. Configure Line of Credit. See below for descriptions of each parameter:

    • Deployment Network: choose between deployment on Ethereum, Arbitrum, or Optimism

    • Underlying Asset: select ERC-20 borrow/lend asset

    • Deposit Controller:

    • Lender Restrictions: borrower sets KYC/KYB policy to one of following

      • All lenders allowed

      • TrustLabs-managed KYC whitelist: delegate KYC onboarding to Archblock/TrustLabs)

      • Custom whitelist: borrower manages own whitelist

    • Withdraw Controller: for Line of Credit, select Default

    • Transfer Restrictions: borrower sets policy for whether lenders can transfer LP token

      • All transfers allowed

      • No transfers allowed

  3. Configure interest rate curve Borrower defines parameters of interest rate curve w/ up to two kinks.

  4. Provide token name, token symbol, and borrower description. The token name and symbol will show onchain and on Etherscan pages, etc. The description will show in the TrueFi app front end only.

  5. Deploy Line of Credit. Review and verify all configuration details. Once confirmed, click "Continue" to create onchain transaction and sign in wallet.

Last updated



