Controllers regulate different aspects of how TrueFi products work.
They are responsible for key decision-making on how to perform most of the lender-facing operations. There are three Controllers that TrueFi utilizes:
Transfer Controller
Deposit Controller
Withdrawal Controller
They can implement any logic and freely interact with any external on-chain or off-chain systems.
The details of how these controller work, what are they exactly responsible for and how Vaults interact with them is located below.
vaultCallsThisFunctionOnTheController(msg.sender, arguments)
- description of how the Vault will handle the Controller’s response
Parameters of the Vault’s methods are described in the ERC-4626 documentation.
Transfer Controller is responsible for setting restrictions around transfers of the share token (LP token). Transfer controller has to be capable of making a binary decision whether a particular transfer is allowed or not.
transfer(to, value)
transferFrom(from, to, value)
onTransfer(msg.sender, from, to, value)
- boolean determining whether a particular transfer is allowed or not (vault will execute the transfer on true
and block the revert the transfer on false
Examples of the most common Transfer Controllers are:
open - all transfers are allowed
blocked - all transfers are forbidden and only minting or burning the token is allowed
restricted - only transfers to farming contract (the one distributing incentives) are allowed
Deposit Controller is responsible for handling all deposits. On a high level it can set:
Lender restrictions (who can deposit into the Vault and when)
LP token price at the deposit
Deposit fee paid to the Portfolio Manager
Maximum amount that can be deposited
Potentially many more via implicit manipulation of the response parameters…
deposit(assets, receiver)
onDeposit(msg.sender, assets, receiver)
- how many shares are gonna be minted to the receiver
- how much is going to be subtracted from assets
and sent to the manager beneficiary address
mint(shares, receiver)
onMint(msg.sender, shares, receiver)
- how many assets are going to be sent from receiver
to the portfolio
- how many assets are going to be sent from receiver
to the manager fee beneficiary
Additionally, Deposit Controller needs to handle all the necessary view functions. The Vault calls these functions on the Controller, when they are called on the Vault. Their interfaces are identical to the original ERC-4626 interfaces.
- returns how many LP will the depositor get for the assets
- returns max amount of assets that can be put into deposit (before fee subtraction)
- returns how many assets does user need to send to mint particular number of shares (actually deposited + fee)
- returns max amount of shares that can be minted
Examples of the most common Deposit Controllers are:
Simple - deposits are always allowed, setting deposit ceiling
Simple with lender restrictions - deposits are allowed for KYCed users, setting deposit ceiling
Almighty - Portfolio Manager can set custom deposit parameters for each user (LP token price, fee, deposit limit)
Withdrawal Controller is responsible for handling all withdrawals. It can set:
Who and when can withdraw the Vault
LP token price at the withdrawal
Withdrawal fee paid to the Portfolio Manager
Maximum amount that can be withdrawn
Potentially many more via implicit manipulation of the response parameters…
withdraw(assets, receiver, owner)
onWithdraw(msg.sender, assets, receiver, owner)
- how many shares are gonna be burned from the owner
- how much is going to be withdrawn from the vault on top of the assets
and sent to the manager beneficiary address
**redeem(shares, receiver, owner)**
onRedeem(msg.sender, shares, receiver, owner)
- how many assets are going to be sent from the vault to the receiver
- how many assets are going to be taken from the vault on top of the assets
and sent to the manager fee beneficiary
Additionally, Withdrawal Controller handles necessary view functions. Their interfaces are identical to the original ERC-4626 interfaces.
- returns how many LP will one need to burn in order to get desired amount of assets
- returns max amount of assets that can be withdrawn (after paying fee)
- returns how many assets will user get (after paying fee) for a particular redeem
- returns max amount of shares that can be burned to redeem
Examples of the most common Withdrawal Controllers are:
Simple - withdrawals are always allowed, setting withdrawal floor
Almighty - Portfolio Manager can set custom withdrawal parameters for each user (LP token price, fee, deposit limit)
Controllers are approved by DAO Governance. Only approved Controllers are available in the TrueFi interface. Any new Controller proposal should consist not only of smart contract, but also a json file that would configure the controller UI in Portfolio Manager settings, a UI of actions on redeem / deposit button and so on.
A Controller Whitelisting Request should include
All on-chain addresses necessary to properly integrate the Controller
Controller source code
UI JSON file
List of fields and options for controller column in the UI
Actions to execute upon click on Lender’s UI elements
It’s important for Deposit and Withdrawal Controllers to support Portfolio lifecycle phases. Behavior of the Controller should match the intentions expressed in the documentation of a particular TrueFi product, that the Controller is aiming to serve.
A good and predictable Withdrawal Controller would remove all restrictions for withdrawing when the Portfolio goes into Closed state.
A good and predictable Deposit Controller would ban all deposits when the Portfolio goes into Closed state
Controllers typically don’t hold any state, so their deployment doesn’t require a separate proxy contract for storage. The easiest and the fastest way to onboard a controller is the one that doesn’t hold any vault-specific state. It can store a general state and delegate decisions to other, state-holding contracts. Generally, Controllers are free to delegate any logic to other, external contracts.
The process of deploying state-holding controllers is a more complicated, as it requires the deployment of a proxy, but it is still possible and if there is a need to do so, builders are welcome and encouraged to do so.
Lender restrictions could be built within the Controller, but it’s more common for logic on lender restricitions to be delegated outside of the Controller.
A Controller can utilize another contract to check whether a user is allowed to interact with the Vault by checking an allowlist, NFT ownership, SBT ownership, etc.
Instruments are representations of loans and other financial instruments. The initial two instruments on TrueFi are:
BulletLoans (deprecated)
TrueFi infrastructure enables lenders, borrowers, and portfolio managers to deploy capital via lending pools and loans.
Portfolio managers on TrueFi deploy lending pools (or vaults
) which in turn can deploy capital to borrowers via loans (instruments
The following smart contracts represent vaults and instruments within the TrueFi protocol:
View audits here.
is an ERC-721 contract. Each minted NFT represents a loan that must be paid back to the NFT owner.
Each loan is parametrized by:
Underlying token with which funds are lent out and repaid (e.g. USDC)
Principal debt (minting price)
Period payment (interest paid at each installment)
Period length (a period when the borrower pays installments)
Period count (total number of installments)
End date (date of the last installment to be paid together with the principal, set when the loan is started)
Recipient’s address
Grace period (time by which borrower can be late in repayment of each installment)
A canBeRepaidAfterDefault flag that allows a loan to be repaid after a loan was marked as defaulted
A loan can have one of the possible statuses: Created
, Accepted
, Started
, Repaid
, Canceled
, or Defaulted
Upon minting the loan status is set to Created
. In this state, a borrower can accept a loan by calling acceptLoan(id)
and the loan status is changed to Accepted
The NFT owner can call start(id)
on loans whose status is Accepted
. When a loan is started the loan end date is calculated for the loan and the loan status is changed to Started
The NFT owner can mark loans as canceled whose status is Created
or Accepted
The NFT owner can mark loans as Defaulted
whose status is Started
and the current block time is after a current period endDate + grace
The NFT owner can update the loan's gracePeriod
at any time by calling updateInstrument(id)
. The NFT owner must call repay(id, amount)
to recalculate repaid periods and the current period end date.
The repaid amount must be equal to the period payment or period payment + principal for the last installment. The loan can be repaid after it was marked as defaulted only if the proper canBeRepaidAfterDefault
flag was set to true.
is in the process of being sunset.
is an ERC-721 contract. Each of the tokens represents a single loan.
All loan parameters can be read from LoanMetadata struct. BulletLoans
contract enables loan creation, facilitates loan repayment and allows managing the loan's state and parameters.
createLoan( IERC20 _underlyingToken, uint256 _principal, uint256 _totalDebt, uint256 _duration, address _recipient )
Manager can create loan by passing the principal to be lent, the total debt to repaid, duration of the loan, and the address of the recipient. Total debt to be repaid cannot be less than principal amount.
repay(uint256 instrumentId, uint256 amount)
Existing loan can be repaid partially or in full. If loan is paid in full, this function will mark the loan’s status to ‘Fully Repaid’. Note that a loan cannot be overpaid.
markLoanAsDefaulted(uint256 instrumentId)
Only the portfolio’s manager can mark a loan as defaulted.
markLoanAsResolved(uint256 instrumentId)
Only the portfolio’s manager can mark a loan as resolved. Intended to be used for situations after partial repayment where a loan workout has been agreed to.
updateLoanParameters( uint256 instrumentId, uint256 newTotalDebt, uint256 newRepaymentDate )
Manager can modify loan terms, changing maturity date or total debt to be repaid.
updateLoanParameters( uint256 instrumentId, uint256 newTotalDebt, uint256 newRepaymentDate, bytes memory borrowerSignature )
Manager can modify loan terms, changing maturity date or total debt to be repaid. In order to change the maturity date to an earlier date or increase the repayment value, the borrower must consent and provide a signature.
principal(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns principal amount of loan.
underlyingToken(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns underlying token (e.g. USDC, USDT) of the loan.
recipient(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns borrower’s address.
endDate(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns maturity date of the loan.
unpaidDebt(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns remaining amount to be paid, i.e. total debt less repaid amount.
getStatus(uint256 instrumentId)
Returns status of loan (Issued
, FullyRepaid
, Defaulted
, Resolved
[Legacy] Lending pools governed by TRU stakers
New TrueFi Capital Markets portfolios deployed after June 2022 use
For developer docs see
TrueFi DAO-managed lending pools (tfUSDC, tfUSDT, tfTUSD, tfBUSD) lend to institutional crypto borrowers that request loans from the protocol. Loans must be and meet risk / return criteria set by the protocol.
Start to learn how TrueFi DAO pools work.
Learn how to borrow from TrueFi DAO pools here: